Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rainbow Colored Icing is easier than you think!

Paste food coloring to the sides of the pastry bag with a brush and then fill it with the frosting mix. The result? Multicolor rainbow swirls adorning your favorite cupcakes.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How to crystallize edible flowers

 Thank you to our friends at The Cookie Chew for this beautiful and fun idea to crystallize edible flowers. Perfect for a Wedding or other special occasion.

1. Cut the stem of the flower.

2. Dilute the pasteurized liquid egg whites with some water(about 1-2 tbsp). Holding a flower with tweezers, brush the egg-white mixture on all surfaces with a small paintbrush.

3. Sprinkle the superfine sugar over entire flower. Shake off excess sugar. Place on a tray covered with waxed paper, and allow to dry. Repeat for all flowers.

4. Allow the flowers to stand in a warm, dry place until crisp, about 2 to 4 days, turning them around (especially the larger flowers) regularly so that moisture does not collect beneath them.
How to crystallize flowers

5. Once dry, store them in an air-tight glass jar. These candied flowers will keep for at lest 1 month in a dry place.

6. And voila!  A beautiful decoration to any cupcake, cake or cookie!

Yummy Macadamia Cookies

Rich Macadamia nuts and Premium White Chocolate Chips make this the ultimate indulgence. Made fresh - sweet mary lou recipe large and thick! bakers dozen